
How to Create NFT Collections on The Other Place?

Welcome to The Other Place, your exclusive NFT marketplace on the Casper Network. Creating an NFT involves minting a single unique digital asset, such as an image, video, or audio file, and adding it to the blockchain. Collections allow creators to group their NFTs for easier management, branding, and presentation, making it simpler for collectors to explore and engage with a creator’s portfolio.


In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the straightforward process of creating your own NFT collection, so let’s dive right into it!


Creating an NFT collection step-by-step:


  1. Begin by clicking on “Create” within the top menu of our homepage, which will show a dropdown menu. Select “Create Collection.”
  2. Give your collection a distinctive name that resonates with its essence.
  3. Choose a relevant category for your collection, be it art, gaming, or photography.
  4. Elaborate on your collection’s significance by entering a compelling description.
  5. Elevate its visual appeal by uploading an eye-catching banner and a distinctive logo.
  6. Share your location to add a personal touch and enhance discoverability.
  7. Enter your collection’s attributes to help potential collectors find what they seek.
  8. Seal the deal by agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  9. With everything in place, click “Create” to bring your NFT collection to life.

Congratulations! Your NFT collection is ready and you are now set to create the NFTs that will reside within it. Keep an eye out for additional insights and tips, as we continue to enhance your NFT journey here on The Other Place!